We are pleased to announce that the Trademark authorities of India have awarded Trademarks for the Jumptuit Logo and Brand.
As part of Jumptuit’s ongoing IP protection and global go-to-market activities, the Company has applied for and received international Trademark recognition for the Jumptuit logo and brand in internationally strategic markets from governments around the world. These Trademark awards represent an important step for Jumptuit’s global deployments.
Jumptuit’s Trademark registration protection awards cover such market segments as Finance, Insurance, Fleet Logistics, Autonomous Transit, Healthcare, Consumer Travel, Commercial Travel, Agriculture, Energy, Utilities, Manufacturing, Consumer Goods, Consumer Services, Media, Entertainment, Gaming, Wagering, Government Services, Education, Legal Services, Data Services, and Customer Relationship Management.
Jumptuit, including in its stylized name and its recognizable kangaroo logo, has been granted trademark recognition in India in its three application classes, including for computer application software, data analytics services, and enterprise software for searching, accessing, and actioning data across multiple platforms including cloud services among other features, as a Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) for delivering notifications, information, and insights to users and organizations.
"We are pleased to announce Trademark awards in India for Jumptuit’s logo and brand as we launch the Company’s strategic expansion into this major global market," said Jumptuit Group Founder and CEO, Donald Leka. "India is not just a market, but a global innovation hub. With its strong historical culture of creative innovation, a tech-savvy population, and vibrant business community, and as the world’s largest democracy and most populous country with 1.4 billion people, India offers unparalleled potential for the application of innovative technologies.”