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Frontiers of AI


Updated: Feb 5, 2024

Something extraordinary on the frontiers of AI will be unveiled on June 21, 2023!

Through Jumptuit's continuous real-time data monitoring, assessments and scenario forecasting of global events, and the removal of interpretive filters, we can better observe and understand the nature of the world we live in, its causal relationships, and the probable trajectories and impacts of events.

April 6, 2022: The White House Announced Unprecedented Sanctions By the United States, G7, and EU on the Russian Federation.

Purpose of Sanctions: Deny Russia’s Ability to Finance Its War

White House Statement: “Experts predict Russia’s GDP will contract up to 15 percent in 2022, wiping out the last fifteen years of economic gains.”

"FACT SHEET: United States, G7 and EU Impose Severe and Immediate Costs on Russia," Source: White House,

April 1, 2022: Jumptuit Forecast Five Days Prior to White House Statement: Sanctions on the Russian Federation will have a significantly more limited impact than estimated by the US, G7, and EU.

May 4, 2023: EU Year-End Report on Impact of Sanctions: “Russia’s GDP dropped by 2.1% in 2022.” The war continues...

What if you could know today the outcomes from your future scenario planning?

Jumptuit Delivers Transparent Real-Time Cross Sector Data Discovery, Contiguity, Threshold Measurement, Causation, and Scenario Forecasting


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